Equipment introduction

一、 Basic performance of the tester
1. Charging function: with constant current and voltage charging function
2. Discharge function: with constant current discharge function
3. Charging and discharging interface: fully meet the requirements of battery pack charging and discharging copper buckle and charging and discharging sub port
4. Check the voltage protection: by charging and discharging the battery, it can detect whether the battery charging protection and discharging protection work.
5. Record the charge capacity and discharge capacity, and check the charge discharge aging curve
6. The software system of control system aging instrument adopts classic mature C / S mode. There are two communication modes: serial port and network. Serial port can realize accurate communication of several instruments in short distance, and network can realize accurate communication of multiple instruments in long distance. In network mode, a server can control up to 254 instruments, realizing unified operation of multiple instruments.
7. The management software is based on Windows operation interface and uses mysq database to store test data. It is very convenient for staff to query and export data online. According to battery bar code, time and equipment number, they can view charge discharge aging curve and export curve at the same time.

technical parameter

